Brand | Trademark Type | Distinctive | Brand Identity | Unique | Logo Design | Memorable | Trademark Class | Specific | Geographical Scope | Extensive |
Nature of Business Intellectual Property Registry |
Year of Establishment 2001 |
Website |
Working Days Monday - Friday 08:30 06:00 |
Trade License |
Service Area Dubai, United Arab Emirates |
Certified Certified by TradersFind |
Jitendra Intellectual Property is a part of Jitendra Consulting Group in Dubai, which is in the United Arab Emirates. We're a well-known company that deals with registering things like trademarks, patents, copyrights, and designs that are related to creative ideas. Our main goal is to give really good service to our clients all around the world without charging too much money. As businesses grow and spread across the world, protecting ideas, known as Intellectual Property, is getting more complicated. We help small, medium, and big companies, as well as people, to set up, guard, and make sure their rights to their ideas are safe in the UAE, the Middle East, and everywhere else in the world.