Felt Fabric Sheet

Felt Fabric Sheet - Desert Cart

AED / Piece
  • Material : Fabric
  • Size : 8 x 12 inch
  • Color : As Per Customer’s Requirement
  • Shape : Sheet

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Product Specification

Material Fabric
Size 8 x 12 inch
Color As Per Customer’s Requirement
Shape Sheet

Product Description

Felt Fabric Sheets from Desert Cart in Dubai will elevate your crafts. Beyond cloth, they serve as your canvas. They are expertly made and turn concepts into tactile delights. Bright textures can enhance creativity, DIY projects, and imaginative play. Let these sheets transform your artistic path, from straightforward crafts to complicated masterpieces.

About the Company

Nature of Business
Manufacturer And Supplier
Year of Establishment
Working Days
Monday - Sunday 09:00 21:00
Trade License
Service Area
Dubai, United Arab Emirates
Certified by TradersFind
Desert Cart

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TO: Desert Cart

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